

nokia 發表於: 2011-5-26 18:23 來源: ADJ網路控股集團

去郵局寄信、到商場購物、到旅行社訂出行計劃… 這樣的事情在網路走入人們的生活以後正在慢慢淡出歷史舞臺。






For many of us below a certain age, use of the web is routine, and our children have only ever known a world where going online is an accepted norm of everyday life. However the fact remains that there is still a significant part of the population who do not use the Internet, either because their social situation precludes access, or because they are part of an older generation for whom the Web still seems something of a mystery. These people are now being referred to as nonliners.


  對於中年以下的人來說,運用網路是件習慣成自然的事情,而我們的下一代所了解的世界也是一個將上網作為生活常態的地方。事實上,仍然有相當一部分人並不使用因特網,可能是因為他們所處的社會環境沒有上網的條件;也可能是因為他們出生的年代較早,對他們來說,網路還是個神秘的事物。這些人就被稱為 nonliner(無網人員)。


  Nonliner is of course a play on onliner, blending this word with the prefix non-, meaning 'not'. The term seems to be very recent, only having popped up in the last year or so, amidst a growing awareness of the need to help a significant minority who do not possess the skills or resources to access the Internet.

