
  • 標點符號暗藏的性格秘密

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      A recent scientific study analyzed what your favorite punctuation mark means about you. Every writer, every person, over-uses and abuses at least one punctu.

  • 花心不分性別 職場女強人更易出軌.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-20,

      One of the oldest accepted notions is that men are more likely to stray than women. But scientists now believe that it is a person's power, rather than gend.

  • 辦公室白領注意:水桶腰並非久坐導致.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-20,

      We all know that too little exercise can pack on the pounds and contribute to heart disease and other ills, but a new study published in the European Heart .

  • 研究:失業會縮短人的壽命 男性更甚.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-20,

      Researchers in Montreal say unemployment can lead to a shorter life, particularly among men.  加拿大蒙特利爾的研究者稱,失業會縮短人的壽命,特別是對於男性。 .

  • 揭秘:女老闆為何偏愛男下屬

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-20,

      Women carving out a career in a male-dominated environment might expect there is one thing guaranteed to work in their favor – a female boss. But studies s.

  • 增強自信小秘訣:著裝和微笑最關鍵.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-20,

      Take all those clothes that are too small for you to the charity shop. Gazing at wannabe smaller sizes every time you open your wardrobe door is like punchi.

  • 英語中的妙語佳句

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,

      1. It's not like that.  不是那樣的。  It's not like that.這句話是用來辟謠的。當別人誤會了一件事的來龍去脈,你就可以跟他說It's not like that.「不是那樣的。.

  • 男人女人都愛聽的7句話

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,

      One of the intriguing things about a relationship is figuring out the exact words that will woo him, wow her, and win his heart. Here are some suggestions f.

  • 研究:展現真我不利職場發展

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,

      Being yourself at work is not good for your career, study claims  Honesty is often said to be the best policy in social situations but being yourself at w.

  • 面對自己討厭的工作 如何掌控自己的情緒.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,


  • 遠離壓力:辦公室減壓全攻略

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,


  • 健康減肥:5招教你邊睡覺也能邊減肥.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,

      Getting enough shut-eye is your best bet for slimming down and staying healthy. What’s the connection between a lack of shut-eye and a higher number on the.

  • 上課打瞌睡有助記憶新知識

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-13,

      It turns out that nodding off in class may not be such a bad idea after all, as a new study has shown that going to sleep shortly after learning new materia.

  • 職業生涯彌補錯誤六大準則

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      Everyone makes mistakes. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on. Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It .

  • 研究:女性面對排擠更愛先發制人.

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      When faced with the threat of being excluded from a group, women are likely to respond by excluding someone else. Meanwhile, that threat made no difference .

  • 微笑也有錯?職場秀笑容的負面效應.

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      Requiring employees to smile at customers may backfire because US researchers say fake smiling worsens mood and affects productivity.  要求員工微笑服務可.

  • 教你寫出原汁原味的英文簡歷

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      Your CV should not go beyond two pages, so deciding what to include and what to leave off is very important. Everything you include should be relevant to th.

  • 職場女性成功秘訣:學做溫柔"小女人&qu.

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      Their studies show that women who take an aggressive approach are often less likely to get ahead than those who exhibit more feminine traits. If however, th.

  • 面對強勢人群如何堅守自己的立場.

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      No. It’s one of the shortest words in the English vocabulary, but it’s also one of the most difficult for many of us to say。  NO(不),這個詞可謂是英文中.

  • 白領辦公室純天然瘦身法:沒事多走動.

    htctouch 發表於: 2012-07-10,

      Getting up from your desk to go and speak to your colleagues – instead of emailing them – reduces the risk of heart attacks, research shows.  “只要你能.
